This is the homepage of the

Working Committee for Thermal Analysis of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

This is a discussion group dealing with all areas of thermal analysis: TGA (thermogravimetry or thermogravimetric analysis), calorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetry - mass spectrometry (TG-MS), etc.


Professor János Kristóf,  the ICTAC Affiliate Councilor for Hungary summarized our recent activities as follows:


Recent activities of the

Working Committee for Thermal Analysis of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Scope:  The Committee was established in 1973 with the intention to provide a forum for researchers, academics and experts in industry dealing with thermal analysis.  The Committee currently has 35 regular and 7 invited (elected) members.


President:  Gábor VÁRHEGYI, DSc, Chemical Research Center, Institute of Materials and Environmetal Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,  Budapest, Pusztaszeri út 59-67. Mailing address: H-1525 Budapest, POBox 17.



Secretary:  Alfréd  KÁLLAY-MENYHÁRD, PhD, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Physical Chemistry and Material Science,  H-1111  Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3, H/I. E-mail:






The Committee holds two regular meetings annually.  During this meetings recent advances in thermal analysis in different fields is discussed and the members report regularly on the progress of their research work. The meetings are organized  not only in Budapest but also at universities,  research institutes and companies throughout  the Country where thermal analysis  research is conducted with results of international reputation.

The Committee  regularly offers the opportunity to discuss PhD and DSc works in which thermal techniques are used (2 occasions /year in average).  The committee –members are regularly involved in the organization of conferences in the field (1st Joint Czech-Hungarian-Polish-Slovakian Thermoanalytical Conference, 30-31 May, 2007, Sopron, Hungary; XV. International Conference on Biological Calorimetry, 24-30 May, 2008, Pécs, Hungary; 2nd Joint Czech-Hungarian-Polish-Slovakian Thermoanalytical Conference, 30 August – 3 September 2009, Zakopane, Poland).   


Current state of thermal analysis in Hungary


Thermal analysis is an indispensable tool in analytical chemistry and materials science.  The most significant research teams are working in Budapest (Budapest University of Technology and Economic; Loránd Eötvös University; Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences),  Veszprém (University of Pannonia), Szeged (University of Szeged) and Pécs (University of Pécs).  Among the most important research topics are the study of drugs and pharmaceutical materials, biological systems and medical applications, nano-powders and surface-modified materials,  biomass utilization and analysis,  polymers and polymer composites, minerals and clay organo-complexes.

The Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry  (impact factor: 1.752) is edited in Hungary by the members of the Committee ( Judit Simon Editor-in-Chief;  Alfréd Kállay-Menyhárd Editor; György Liptay Consulting editor).

The Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (impact factor: 2.31) co-edited by Marianne  Blazsó is another important  journal for publishing papers using thermal analysis.



Relation to relevant organizations


The Treasurer of ICTAC is Csaba Novák.  The Affiliate Councilor is János Kristóf (University of Pannonia, H-8201 Veszprém, POBox 158, Hungary, e-mail:  Another contact person if the representative is not available is  Judit Simon (  The Hungarian representatives of EUROSTAR (European Society for Thermal Analysis, Calorimetry, Thermodynamics and Reactivity) are  György Liptay, Csaba Novák and György Pokol. The Hungarian representative of ESTAC (European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry) is György Liptay.

The Committee is closely cooperating with the Thermoanalytical Branch of the Hungarian Chemical Society (Chairman: Dénes Lőrinczy, University of Pécs, Hungary (; co-chairman: Imre Miklós Szilágyi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (